Re: Auto corrections

Hello Mac,

On Thu, 8 Feb 2018 10:05:14 -0500 Mac <macdroid53 gmail com> wrote:


I used Easytag on and off for years now.
What version currently? What OS?

And every time I pick it up after not using it, typically for a year or so,
I open my music folder and it starts to scan my entire collection.

A couple of questions:

- Is there a way to not have automatic corrections applied?
With thousands of files this can take a while.
Two things came to my mind about what you describe:

1) you can prevent easytag from browsing sub-folders, if you
disable it (preferences -> interface -> browser -> browse
subdirectories), at least it won't parse your whole music tree when you
select the root folder.

2) whatever you do, selecting a folder will at least browse its direct
content and do auto-corrections that will ONLY be applied if you agree.
For instance if you select folder A then B, when leaving folder A it
asks for saving changes (auto-corrections and your changes if you did
some) - it's the "Some files have been modified but not saved"
discard/cancel/save dialog. Say Discard, and the auto-corrections won't

I'm afraid there is no satisfying answer to your question, so knowing
easytag's design and little limitations, there are still some ways to
avoid itchy-scratchy behaviours or slightly wrong usability paths and
use it in a friendly way even for massive database maintenance.

- When it says: Automatic corrections applied for file /abc/def/hfg.mpg'
What did it change? Is there a way to stop this behavior?
(I already set the preferences/scanner options to "No Conversion"
Changing video files? It doesn't do such thing here. Sorry I can't help



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