Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Pb compiling ekiga from cvs

Thank you Damien for your reply.
No problem, I'll wait.

Damien Sandras a écrit :
Le mardi 12 septembre 2006 à 21:46 +0200, Philippe Lefevre a écrit :
Sorry to get back on this email but I'm still not sure on what the things are.
I'd like to compile the latest cvs ekiga tarballs.
I've got them (pwlib, opal and ekiga) from
Pwlib and opal are ok but compiling ekiga failed. It seem they are not at the same development level. (see my previous message on below)
Julien wrote that the latest cvs pkg must be taken from gnome 2.14.
I did it but opal and pwlib are not in this cvs : where am I supposed to get them ? I tried with the ones in but compile failed because the lack of some RTP_Session members. Could somebody explain what is the difference between and ?
Where I'm wrong ?

I think the snapshots are awfully desynchronised.

Kilian should work on that, but I do not know when the archives will
fully be back.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I guess that Kilian will make an
announcement when it is back.

Thank you for your help

Philippe Lefevre a écrit :
Thank you Julien for your reply,

I've got all of these tarball from not from the gnome head and all are dated of last 08-07. So, in my mind, they should be snapshoted at the same state of development.
May be I'm wrong, but I'd like to understand.


Julien PUYDT a écrit :
Philippe Lefevre a écrit :

It's a long time I hadn't compiled the last cvs ekiga version (2.1.0) and I did that this morning.
I'm not sure if it may help or usefull for you, but I had to modify 
the ekiga
as follow
change PWLIB_REC_VERSION="1.10.1" to PWLIB_REC_VERSION="1.11.2" (found in pwlib version.h) change OPAL_REC_VERSION="2.2.2" to OPAL_REC_VERSION="2.3.2" (found in opal version.h)
No, it's already correct in cvs. You must not follow the HEAD branch but the gnome-2-14 one.

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