Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga - crash on exit

On 9/20/06, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:
I thought it was my new code.... Apparently not. We'll have to
It looks to me like OnReceivedAuthenticationRequired is being called
when SIPEndPoint is being destroyed, so that SIPEndPoint's destructor
has already been called (but OpalEndPoint's destructor most likely has
not run yet), which then results into OpalEndPoint's pure virtual
method being called.
In this backtrace thread 1 seems to be in the process of destroying
the endpoint (with the wait caused by CloseWait() being an explanation
why it happens comparable often that ~SIPEndPoint() has already
destroyed part of the object, but ~OpalEndPoint() was not called yet),
and thread 12 tries to dispatch an received event to the SIPEndPoint
object which is already half-destroyed (oops!).
Thread 12 probably should not be alive anymore at this point in time,
though I neither know why it still is or how to stop it currectly as I
have not looked at this part of OPAL to closely :(. Probably it should
be stopped form ~SIPEndPoint()?


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