Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] I found a bug... finally!

Julien Puydt a écrit :

after days of fight, I managed to get a simpler program to crash like ekiga yesterday evening. This night, I made that program simpler.
You'll find attached what's needed to reproduce the crash. You'll need 
to unpack the tarball somewhere, and modify the EKIGA_DIR line to point 
to your fresh ekiga sources ; then :
make copy  (gets some files from ekiga)
make patch (will kick some pieces of code out and use std::tr1::shared_ptr instead)
make (will build a mini-ekiga)

After that, running "valgrind ./ekiga" should get you a crash.

It is a bug in sigc++, as far as I can tell.

I'm not 100% sure it was the only bug : but that will have to wait until that one is fixed/got around.
Sigh :-(

It's not a crash, it's just something valgrind doesn't like...

There is definitely a problem with gmref_ptr, but I still don't know which :-/

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