Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] [WIN32] gtk2+-2.22 integration

Le 06/12/2010 14:34, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 12/10/10 08:37, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
To integrate gtk2+-2.22, I needed  to :

* get
* get
* get gtk2-runtime-2.22.0-2010-10-01-ash.exe
* get and install freetype-dev -win32 and fontconfig-dev-win32
* get and crosscompile libpng144 (no win32 packages yet)
* get and crosscompile zlib123 (for libpng)
Why did you need these additional packages?  What error had you had?

This can be done quite easily.
Packaged win32 gtk2+-2.22 doesn't integrate all necessary files.
lippng144 is not packaged yet and nessds zlib123
freetype and fontconfig are required by configure and dev packages provide right header files.

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