Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] [Win32] trouble with configure

On 26/05/11 10:01, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
Le 26/05/2011 09:54, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
 On 26/05/11 09:24, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
 I updated my devel configuration and I discover I have a trouble to compile
 ekiga (Head version).
 Configure give me an error on boost version. See attachment.
 This is strange... Do you use the new Makefile from ? Do you really use
 ekiga git? Here it works.

I use the win32 makefile from git. I changed some things to have last version of
opal, ptlib and ffmpeg
OS : Debian testing with autoconf v 2.68-1, autotools-dev 20110511.1
cd /root/win32/ekiga; ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /root/win32/share/aclocal" LDFLAGS="-L/root/win32/lib  -Wl,-subsystem,windows" ./configure --prefix=/root/win32 --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host="i586-pc-mingw32" --with-directx-dir=/root/win32/ekiga/win32/directx --prefix=/root/win32/dist/Ekiga --target=mingw32 --bindir=/root/win32/dist/Ekiga --datadir=/root/win32/dist/Ekiga --sysconfdir=/root/win32/dist/Ekiga --libdir=/root/win32/dist/Ekiga \
configure: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target
configure: WARNING: invalid host type:
There are some problems with your configure line, notably there is no 
--with-boost flag and there is a host flag added.  Here is mine:
cd /home/ededu/softs/ekiga/windows-testgit2/ekiga; ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I 
-Wl,-subsystem,windows" ./configure 
--build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host="i586-pc-mingw32" 
--disable-dbus --disable-avahi --disable-xv 
If it still does not work, send us the config.log.


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