Re: [Ekiga-list] Privacy policy of Ekiga

Le lundi 17 mars 2008 à 21:41 +0100, schoappied a écrit :


> > However, it can not harm if we add such a notice somewhere. It is on the
> > TODO :
> >
> >   
> Thanks for your replies.
> I do disagree with your statements about that privacy statements is only 
> or more needed for commercial services or organisations.  I agree with 
> you that some  issues are more likely to happen when the service or 
> organisation is commercial (e.g. selling information to third party's). 
> But the chance that for example, others can get access to stored chat 
> sessions (don't like to find my chat with my girlfriend on Google) or 
> that people inside or outside the project will misuse the service, seems 
> to me almost equal, and has nothing to do with open source or community 
> based.
> I'm pleased that the 'statement/ policy' is on the TODO list. Although I 
> think it's more important then just 'it can not harm'. I think the 
> service and the software will be better for us, the users, if we know 
> what the policy of Ekiga is and we don't have to worry about the 
> privacy. I also think that more people want to switch  from  Skype to 
> Ekiga if Ekiga can give some clear statements and guarantees about the 
> privacy, because I know that there're a lot of people who do not like 
> the policy of Skype or are a doubting about the policy of (for them) 
> vague 'open source' communities.
> Please let me know if your policy is on the website, so I can know if 
> and/ or how information is stored and how I can remove that or prevent 
> it. I promise that I'll try Ekiga when I can agree with your policy ;)

I'm not really a legal person. Moreover English is not my native

Could you propose some text that we can put on the website after a
review ? 

Basically, I do not want to give any guarantee about anything as an
individual (imagine the server gets cracked for some reason, I do not
want to be held responsible for that).

Only email addresses and first name / last name informations are stored
in a database. This information will not be made public or given to
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
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