Re: [Ekiga-list] Status of Win port

Michael Cronenworth wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Ekiga-list] Status of Win port
From: Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>
To: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list gnome org>
Date: 04/07/2009 08:01 AM


1. With the fixes already done yesterday, what is the status of the Win port (gnome 2.26 branch and trunk)? Does it fully compile well? Does it work when calling 500 ekiga net? (Do other calls work? Etc.)
When I last built 3.2.0 a few weeks ago it failed to register and 
crashed upon exit. I've seen discussion about these problems under 
Linux. Have any of those two things been resolved? Bug numbers I can watch?
So the compilation works, with all classical options.

"VFW support is still not visible even though ptlib is built with VFW enabled." - I suppose this is still true...
Fails to register: Could you send us a -d 4 output?  (I haven't seen 
any, sorry)
Crash on exit: The only remaining bug (to my knowledge) is
2. Can someone take care at compiling trunk ekiga on Windows regularly, for ex. once per week (or once per 2 weeks)?
Sure, I could set up a weekly auto-build. I wouldn't want to host the 
resulting 20-30 meg file though, unless I removed the GTK pieces. Is 
there a server I could upload the builds to?
We will find a solution for that.


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