Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.02 for Windows: Logitech QuickCam Pro9000 and choosing Default-SIP ?

Damien Sandras wrote:
Le lundi 16 février 2009 à 10:30 +0100, Hans Bauer a écrit :
Hello Damian,

thank you a lot for your answer, my reply is at the bottom of the

Damien Sandras wrote: 
Le lundi 16 février 2009 à 09:21 +0100, Hans Bauer a écrit :
Hello and thank you a lot for the great program and windows port.

During installation of Ekiga 3.02 for Windows (the release version) my
Logitech QuickCam Pro9000 webcam was no more recognized as it was with
Ekiga 2.0.11 beta for windows. My System is WinXP Prof. SP 3. The
webcam works fine with Skype and the drivers of the webcam are
updated. Skype was not open during the installation of Ekiga 3.02.
Looking into the configuration immediately after the installation of
Ekiga, i could choose from
- Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32) (PTLi..
- Moving Logo (Moving Logo(Movin Logo)
and the Logitech webcam was greyed out. Meanwhile the Logitech is
deleted from the list and searching for a webcam device does not bring
it back. Is there any possiblity to use my webcam with Ekiga 3.02 for
I can't answer to this question, but perhaps someone else will.

Working with Ekiga 2.0.11 beta for Windows it was possible to choose a
default sip account, which was shown bolt in the list. I'm registering
3 sip-accounts the same time. With Ekiga 3.02 for Windows, i no more
find a Default-Button for this purpose. Also i was not able to find
any other possibility to set a default account. Any idea?
It has been removed, but there is now autocompletion, meaning that if
you enter sip:123456@, it will propose you a drop down with the list of
possible accounts to choose from.

Please do not reply off-list.
Sorry, i did not recognize this.
That is very impractical and i really miss the ability to chose a
default sip-provider. I parallel use 3 active sip-accounts, all
allowing pc to telefone calls. 90% of my calls go to the landline and
the telefone number is not qualified for autocompletion. So right now
i did not find a way using Ekiga e.g. to specify my first
sipgate-account to dial a landline number and to connect me with a
telefone. Do you know any help?

With X-Lite i registrate at sipgate (the problem is: only 1 account)
and type in the telefone number. That's all and i am connected. 

If you use Ekiga 3.20 and have only one account, it will do the same.
I also think that if you do not put anything, it will use the latest
account you used. That means that if you dial more often through
sipgate, it will autocomplete to sipgate for you.
Thank you a lot. So i will wait until 3.20 for windows and hope for a explicit possibility to choose a sip-account for dial-out to landlines. As you can imagine, only 1 account will be a problem for me, for documentation and also for billing.

My best wishes and thanks.
Hans Bauer

fn:Hans Bauer
org;quoted-printable:Ingenieursoziet=C3=A4t Bauen GbR.
adr:;;Schillerstr. 30;Donzdorf;BW;73072;Deutschland
email;internet:hb h-bauer de
tel;work:07162 94134 20
tel;fax:07162 94134 23
tel;home:07162 23151
tel;cell:Rufumleitung von 'Work'
note;quoted-printable:Weitere E-Mail Adressen:=0D=0A=
	- pgp is-bauen de (PGP-verschl=C3=BCsselte, gesch=C3=A4ftliche E-Mails)=0D=0A=
	- pgp h-bauer de ( PGP-verschl=C3=BCsselte, private E-Mails)=0D=0A=
	- hb h-bauer de ( unverschl=C3=BCsselte, private E-Mails)=0D=0A=
	SIP-Phone (zeitweise):=0D=0A=
	- 07162 504302 (gesch=C3=A4ftlich)=0D=0A=
	- 07162 504305 (privat)

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