[Ekiga-list] Newbie, help: Account mgmt problems

I have a setup with four SIP providers, the last most used. Once configured, everything works OK. But if I exit Ekiga, and later restart it, the account data for my last account is corrupted: The password has became "Authentication user", the timeout is some random value.
In this situation my client obviously can connect to the sip provider, I 
can verify this on the server side. However, the Accounts window still 
presents the account as "Registered".
If I rectify  the data it works again. However, if I invoke the Edit 
dialog for this account and closes it without changing anything (data 
OK) the account becomes "Unregistered". Invoking Edit Account again, 
closing with same data restores the account to "Registered"
In short, a mess. Has anyone out there a clue to what's going on?


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