Re: [Ekiga-list] question of using Ekiga to KEK (fwd)

Joseph Comfort wrote:
Unfortunately, I have not found much in the way of good H323 alternatives to Ekiga. There are alternatives for SIP. I'm only a user, but it seems to me that Ekiga has gone too far out on the bleeding edge with all kinds of frilly add-ons which depend on OS systems and packages (even compilers) that are still in development. Maintenance of the core functionality is drowning. I have not yet had a successful compilation of the latest source. Still, the basic issue may be in the audio stuff of the OS.
H.323 is still very actively maintained in the Opal library.

If you are having problems with H.323, please let us know on the Opal list (see

 Craig Southeren          Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software
 craigs postincrement com au         

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 "Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins

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