Re: [Ekiga-list] No echo test/F12 Linux -

On 17/04/10 06:25, David Ford wrote:
Hi Bob
I've got the same on FC11

PS - you didn't need to sign up for the $10 it will not connect just the same even if you choose not to.
       I received an e-mail this morning telling me to call a telephone
       number to get my account unlocked! That after going through a
       number of confusing and complicated steps yesterday. I asked
       them to cancel the account, I can only hope that works. I
       received a response to that request which sounds a bit negative?

PPS if you open a terminal window and type ekiga -d 4 2> ekiga.d4 and then search the ekiga.d4 file you will probably find that there is a line that says "STUN server lost connection unexpectedly" this seems to be the problem. I though it was just me. As you and I seem to be the only people trying to use ekiga on Fedora - do you want to see if we can find out what the problem is between us? I'm not sure if it's worth the bother - but, like you, I am a little irritated by it.
       ekiga -d 4 2> ekiga.d4 returns nothing for me except to start
       the process of setting up Ekiga again. I can't locate a file
       "ekiga.d4" either? My interest in this project is waning ... If
       you have any other suggestions I will consider them but wonder
       if we should not be looking elsewhere for VOIP applications. I
       have the impression there are others?



This was the last response I got from Eugen - I'm afraid it looks as though we're on our own.
. . . .
and again:

2010/04/15 12:12:21.077	  0:10.183	                       	STUN	STUN
server unexpectedly went offline.

Both of them are strange, I have not seen them before.  I cannot help,
sorry.  If nobody answers in a few days, please report the bug to
bugzilla by attaching these two outputs.

On 17/04/10 09:06, Bob Goodwin wrote:

   I posted the following query on the Fedora list but received no

   Any help will be appreciated.

   Thank you.


       I found that Ekiga was already installed in this F-12, originally
       installed from the Omega F12 Live CD, and yes upon starting it it
       guides you through configuration and obtaining an outgoing
       connection [for ten Dollars]. I did all this, an involved process
but doable. It doesn't work, it acts as though it may be connecting
       to the "echo test" site but there is no audio to indicate that
   it is
       functioning, just a little "call completed" at the bottom.

       I would expect it should work since it was included with this
version of Fedora. The other VOIP applications I have tried worked
       without much effort once installed. Strange!

       Obviously I have something wrong. Does anyone else have this
       working? Have any idea what I should do next?


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