Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga w/ -

On 21/04/10 17:15, Murray Collingwood wrote:
Hi Bob

I was connecting to a SIP account provider in New Zealand ( <>). The initial SIP account registered fine and I could call their support number (SIP) without any issue. When I tried to configure a 'Call out' within Ekiga using the same account details the thing broke down completely. When I rang them for support I found I didn't need the special 'Call out' within Ekiga - just the standard account registered enabled me to make calls to regular phones.
I'm suggesting of course that you may not need any special 'Call out' 
functionality in Ekiga.  Check with the support people at VoipDiscount.
   Well I just tried disabling it but still "security check failed"!

   In fact I have two lines in Accounts, VoipDiscount and VoipDiscount
   Call Out and I tried it with first one and then the other disabled.
   Both show as registered though?

   I am really out of my element here! I feel like a chimpanzee pushing
   buttons for a banana!




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