Re: [Ekiga-list] nikolai: Wanted to know if it was okay to use ekiga 3.2.7 over my current 3.2.6

On 14/08/10 17:03, Palo S. wrote:
Hi, I am running ubuntu 10.04 and wanted to know if I could upgrade my
ekiga 3.2.6 to 3.2.7 as some bugs occur with my current version of
3.2.6, such as Ekiga can't receive calls after some time and some
incoming calls won't ring but you can answer.  Since 3.2.7 is latest
version, I figured it probably got rid of those problems so I wanted to
know if I should update to 3.2.7?
I can second what Wiliam said: it is not worth upgrading
as these bugs are not fixed in 3.2.7 - a workaround that
seems to work for me is to restart Ekiga after every call
(sometimes killing is necessary if Ekiga stops responding).
Furthermore, 3.2.7 introduced a new bug of Ekiga not being
able to receive calls in situations when 3.2.6 was able;
probably something NAT related - the problem disappeared
after downgrading to 3.2.6.
(Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the problem
when calling between my own computers, so no logs/bugreport)
This is the first regression of 3.2.7 I have heard of.  Any output, 
especially for both versions, is appreciated.

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