Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga

I think you are out of luck. All these errors seem to me they have nothing to do with ekiga directly. The only solution is to search the Web for these errors.
On 07/06/10 15:38, roberto peñaranda wrote:
I managed to find the msvcr80.dll file and I downloaded. but now I have
another error:
An application has made an Attempt to load the C runtime library

2010/7/6 Eugen Dedu<Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>

This is very probably an error not related to ekiga.  Please search on
Internet on how to fix it and tell us if you succeeded and how.

For ex,
and the general

On 07/06/10 15:19, roberto peñaranda wrote:

the file dll is MSVCR80.dll

2010/7/6 roberto peñaranda<rober cebrian gmail com>

  I used the default option.
2010/7/6 Eugen Dedu<Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>

On 07/06/10 14:16, roberto peñaranda wrote:

  hello, I have a problem.
I need to run ekiga from cmd in windows, but fails because I can not
dll. If I run it on the desktop, double click, if I work correctly. But
need to run through cmd. Please, answer.

What dll is missing?

Have you installed gtk in the same time with ekiga or not?  If yes, have
you modified the radio button to the question: "use /bin, /dll or / for
libraries" (or smth like that)?


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