Re: [Ekiga-list] Problems with CallCentric and DTMF/RFC


I just tried it with the settings switched around and it works great
now. Thanks for the tip.

	Aaron Hsu
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On 16/09/10 02:56, arcfide sacrideo us wrote:
Hey Everyone,

I am running Ekiga 3.2.7 with an SIP CallCentric account. Everything
seems to work fairly well right now, but the DTMF feature doesn't seem to
work. CallCentric supports only RFC2833 or Inline DTMF, and Ekiga only
supports INFO or RFC2833 protocols. For some reason DTMF doesn't work
with Ekiga and RFC2833. I have tried with other softphones and the tones
seem to work with CallCentric + RFC2833, but Ekiga doesn't seem to work
right. Is there something I can do about this? Is this a known problem?

In Ekiga <= 3.2.7, RFC2833 and Info are exchanged. This was later fixed with Does it work by using Info instead of RFC2833?

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