Re: [Ekiga-list] Could not register (failed)

On 16/02/11 23:14, Dpto. de Tecnología - IES El Parador wrote:
I have just configured Softphone Ekiga 3.2.7 with Ubuntu 10.10, and I
get always the same error message: "Could not register sip:XXX".

My debug output with -d 4 reads:

         2011/02/16 22:54:33.672   0:00.079
         Version 3.2.7 by  on Unix Linux (2.6.35-25-generic-i686) with
         PTLib (v2.6.7) at 2011/2/16 22:54:33.672
         2011/02/16 22:54:33.672   0:00.079                        Ekiga
         git revision: unknown
         2011/02/16 22:54:33.676   0:00.083                        Ekiga
         registered on D-Bus: org.ekiga.Ekiga

In -d 4 output, you have to look at the REGISTER packet sent and subsequent responses to understand why you cannot register.

Eugen Dedu

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