Re: [Ekiga-list] Text display problem with Pidgin user

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Dave Koelmeyer <davekoelmeyer me com> wrote:
> On 14/01/11 10:22 AM, Eugen Dedu wrote:
>> Ekiga does not have such feature.  Please make a bug report and attach the
>> image.  I think it is simple (feasible, does not need high programming
>> skills) to program it, but it can take a bit of time.
>> But I am not quite fond about it.  Injecting small packets in the network
>> only to tell the other person that you are writing means network usage for
>> not much information...

Well, people seem to be expecting such notifications in IM software...
and, like it or not, application/is-composing is the standard way of
achieving it with SIP (see RFC 3994 [1]).

> Done - bug report is here:
> Notification that the remote party is typing a text message is a
> nice-to-have in an ideal world, but it's certainly not IMHO critical, and I
> could happily use Ekiga without it. I'm not a developer, but if adapting
> Ekiga to simply drop the is-composing code is the easiest way to resolve
> this, then that would get a +1 from me :)

I'd be happy to help with the code if someone showed me where to dig.
Ekiga source code is pretty hard to understand for the uninitiated, if
you ask me (lots of "framework" stuff hiding the real deal, which
doesn't help at all if one's using websvn/gitweb and doesn't have a
local copy to grep through).



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