Forum: I’ve been working with various soft clients and phones and I’ve chosen Ekiga because it has been very stable, predictable and very easy to use. All our Polycom phones register with Broadsoft platform. We have tested X-Lite and Ekiga and we found Ekiga to be able to run on more OS platforms (Windows, MAC, Linux). The only problem I’m running into is the DTMF tones using RFC2833. I was surprised not to see a third option “In-band DTMF”. Regardless, Broadsoft supports RFC2833 and I’ve spent time tracing Ekiga vs. other user agents. For some reason, Ekiga uses a SIP packet instead of RTP. The registrar always returns a error message 415 “Unsupported Media”. For the user agents (phones or soft clients) that were successful, RTP was being used instead of SIP. I’ve included a couple of screenshots and attachments. Can anyone explain why Ekiga differs from every other user agent when sending DTMF tones using RFC3833? Thanks Ekiga Trace X-Lite or Polycom Phones R. Nicholas Platt Communications Engineer Supervisor Division of Telecommunications Department of Management Services State of Florida Phone: 850.413.9535 E-Mail: nicholas platt dms myflorida com |
Description: Eyebeam.pcap
Ekiga Softphone - DTMF using RFC2833 - 2nd capture.pcap
Description: Ekiga Softphone - DTMF using RFC2833 - 2nd capture.pcap