Re: [Ekiga-list] I get "Could not register. Method not allowed" error. What does it mean?

On 18/07/12 19:56, L. Rahyen wrote:
On Tuesday 17 July 2012 10:12:51 Eugen Dedu wrote:
The only way to see where the problem is is to send us a -d 4 output
	I have attached the output to this message. I have deleted previous configuration, created SIP account from scratch and tried to call some local phone. Then pressed Chat->Quit. Ekiga exited with segmentation fault (it always exits with segmentation fault).
Well, ekiga sends all messages to itself, hence the error.

ekiga listens on port 5060, and asterisk seems to listen on the same port. Two programs cannot listen on the same port.
Either use ekiga on a machine different than asterisk, or try asterisk 
to listen on another port (different than 5060) and modify ekiga and all 
phones to use the other port, or tell ekiga to listen on another port 
(gconf-editor, apps/ekiga/protocols/sip/listen_port, hope it works since 
it is not well tested).

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