[Ekiga-list] Linphone and Ekiaga communication attempts - was Re: Any prospect of Ekiga being ported to MacOS

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Bret Busby wrote:

On Tue, 19 Feb 2013, el_gallo_azul wrote:


2. I am trying to find out myself whether any SIP account can connect to 
any other SIP account, regardless of the software. I don't know yet, but 
would appreciate if you let me know the outcome of your post.



I have installed Linphone to try it.

Using Linphone, I have just attempted a phone call to you (Greg). Linphone shows the call as having been successful, with a duration of about 45 seconds, but, after the ringing stopped, the line went quiet, and I did not hear any sound coming from the other end.
So, I assume that Linphone can not communicate with Ekiga.

That is my assumption, but I do not know enough for that assumption to be valid.
According to the web page at 
http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Ekiga_Interoperability , communication 
between Ekiga and Linphone (v1.5), should work, for video and audio.
The version of Linphone that I installed, is 3.3.2-1, from the packages 
repository for Debian Linux 6.0.x .
Anyway, if you could advise what, if anything, shows in your event history, 
for that attempt, it would be good.
I further advise that I have just used Linphone to try to connect with 
the Ekiga Echo Test Number; 500 ekiga net 

The video window went green, with a little video window within that 
window, of me at my end (which I assume is what happens in the course of 
a successful vidoe call; that the caller sees a small window of the 
video of the caller, within the larger window of the video of the other 
party), but, in the course of the call, I heard no sound from the other 
The call history event record shows as

Outgoing call at Thu Feb 21 01:01:11 2013
From: "Bret Busby of Armadale, Western Australia" <sip:bret@ <IP address > >
To: <sip:500 ekiga net>
Status: completed
Duration: 2 mn 1 sec

Unfortunately, in Linphone, the SIP address includes my IP address within my LAN, which I do not like, rather than, as Ekiga shows, using the SIP address of <account name@ SIP host>.
So, again, it appears that Linphone and Ekiga, do not communicate with 
each other, which appears to indicate that SIP communications can only 
ocur within each separate SIP provider, and, not between different SIP 
And, again, that is no more than my personal deduction, based on my 
experience, and, not on any knowledge other than my experience as 
Bret Busby
West Australia

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 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
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