Re: [Ekiga-list] How to separate conversation and ringing devices ?

Le 26/03/2013 16:49, *Eugen Dedu* a écrit fort à propos :
On 26/03/13 13:43, geo cherchetout wrote:
Also I found something strange.

In Ekiga's preferences menu, there are three audio devices to choose:
input, output and ring, while there are only two keys in gconf:
input_device and output_device.
Where is stored my ring device setting ?
It is in general->sound_events...
OK, thank you. It's name is ouput_device while I was looking for ringing_device.

Damien, Julien, it should be checked if it should be moved to
devices->audio section in gconf or let them there.
(Knowing there is already an output_device in devices->audio section...)

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