Re: [Ekiga-list] When will Ekiga 4.0.1 be available from Ubuntu Repositories


Thank you for the reply

What is the contact email address for the ubuntu maintainer of Ekiga
as it is not listed on the ekiga website community contacts

On 11/13/13, Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr> wrote:
On 13/11/13 09:05, Robert White wrote:
I'm want to upgrade from 3.3.2 which I installed from Xubuntu [12.04
LTS] Software Centre to 4.0.1 but its not available from the Ubuntu
repositories [3.3.2 is]

I tried the manual install but being a layperson for Linux couldn't
complete as it said the boost signals libraries were missing and I
couldn't work out how to install those :(
This is a question to ask ubuntu maintainer of ekiga.

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