You can use your Polycom gatekeeper with any SIP account.
You only need to compose the calling address using h323:Polycom_IP_Address to access your service.
Unfortunately you can't use address book because, when using a h323 contact it complete the address with the user sip domain. Then you need to compose by hand the Polycom address. It is also impossible to use history :-(
It works for my company, for Polycom and Tandberg devices, but also for Polycom test addresses all around the word.
Hope this helps
Best regards
Le 16/11/2013 13:31, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 15/11/13 23:23, Robert White wrote:
I want to register my Ekiga 4.0.1. client to a Polycom VBP 5300 H.323
gatekeeper which requires *no userid or password* and provide also provide
to the gatekeeper a H.323 alias and extension [E.164]
I assume I create a h.323 account in the Ekiga client but this does not
allow me to specify a H.323 extension or an alias furthermore requires a
username and password which I don't need to use
Is there a different way to do this ?
As far as I understand from the code, ekiga creates an alias from the user name, the one shown in the second page of the assistant.
As for user and password: try adding a random user and password, quit ekiga, and use gconf-editor to remove user and password from your account; these are found in apps->ekiga->protocols.
Tell us if it works.
Thierry Simonnet
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