Re: [Ekiga-list] BT HomeHub blocking UDP 5060

On 07/09/13 18:34, Mark Carroll wrote:
Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr> writes:

An idea is to let registration be made even if it reports symmetric nat.
   In ekiga 4.0.1, in file
lib/engine/components/opal/opal-call-manager.cpp, change at line 822:

      if (result == PSTUNClient::SymmetricNat
          || result == PSTUNClient::BlockedNat
          || result == PSTUNClient::PartialBlockedNat) {
to this:
      if (result == PSTUNClient::BlockedNat
          || result == PSTUNClient::PartialBlockedNat) {

Compile, and start ekiga with src/ekiga when being in ekiga directory.
Ha, success, thank you very much! That works just fine now, at least
initiating a call with both audio and video.
To sum up, could you do several tests and tell us whether ekiga works or 
not in sending and receiving calls, both with or without the 
modification I proposed?

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