Re: [Ekiga-list] VOIP

On 27/09/14 13:21, Peter Sharpen wrote:
Dear Sirs,

1.      I wish to have a replacement for Skype, which will no longer
work on my computer.
2.      I will only use Windows XP Service pack 2.
                 I refuse to install Service pack 3 9which the now-Skype
requires) because it is designed to be the death-knell of Windows XP.
3.      Since the dreaded Microsoft purchased Skype it is, therefore,
4.      I do not have (nor will ever have) a mobile/cell phone. They are
of no use to me.
5.      I do not have ANY wi-fi devices (nor ever want them).
7.      I have no data regarding any of the 'modern' terminology
regarding 'apps' 'sms', 'texting' or suchlike.
9.       I am not a 'member' of any anti-social network (Facebook,
Twitter and so on)

All I wish to have is a simple system whereby I can voice and view a
person of my acquaintance and have a 'chat'.

I require something that is simple to set up and use as purely a method
of calling some-one and having an audio-visual chat.

If you can supply that, I would be most grateful.
Well, try ekiga, you and the other person(s) and tell us if you are 

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