Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 4.0.1 and Renavisio

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Hi Eugen,

For now, as this is for production environment, I'd rather stay on the
stable 4.0.1 version. But if time permits, I'd be glad to test the
unstable branch and report here though :)

On a side note, I didn't managed to compile Opal 3.10.10 with either
libav 11.4/10.7 or ffmpeg 2.7.2. I tried to apply the Debian patches
you told me about, but the patch command failed on some chunks. I
tried to add these by hand, but that only led to more errors... Could
you help me on this one please ?

In the mean time, we received the new x86 based machine, an Intel NUC
D34010WYKH, which is of course a lot more powerful than the tiny
Raspberry Pi 2.

Cheers, Samuel

Le 16/07/2015 16:03, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
Samuel, would it be possible to you to use ekiga unstable code
instead of ekiga 4.0.1?  We are fixing bugs for the former, while
the latter is too old to fix bugs.  Note that for the moment you
need to use ffmpeg, not libav, for the unstable code of ekiga.

On 16/07/15 15:52, Samuel VISCAPI wrote: Hi Eugen,

Thanks for your offer, but I won't have too much free time today
for testing, sorry. I could be more available tomorrow morning,
I'll let you know.

I found something quite interesting: even though the Raspberry Pi
2 supports the NEON set of instructions, I couldn't get
libav-0.8.17 to compile with NEON enabled.

I just checked with libav-11.4, and the configure script seems to
like NEON better :) Using these instructions could lead to a
significant performance boost on ARM platform, and maybe make Ekiga
usable on the Raspberry Pi 2. I'll give this a try ASAP !

Ultimately, If that doesn't work, we'll have to use a beefier, x86 
based machine (which is already ordered).

Cheers, Samuel

Le 15/07/2015 20:00, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
Hi Samuel,

We can make some tests tomorrow if you wish, I have access
to renavisio too.  Note that I will use the development code
in order to allow to fix any issue which might appear.


On 08/07/15 17:53, Samuel VISCAPI wrote:

Hi all,

I managed to compile Ekiga 4.0.1 with H.263 support, with 
libav-0.8.17 :) With this build I could join a Renavisio 
conference and have a short, rather sluggish (~15 FPS + 
stuttering sound) talk with my colleague...before the
Raspberry PI 2 crashed ;)

I'll try again later with some overclock and / or more
memory dedicated to the GPU.

Stay tuned !

Cheers, Samuel

Le 08/07/2015 12:54, Samuel VISCAPI a écrit :
Hi all,

Thanks for your answers, I'll try to build Ekiga with
H.263 support ASAP. By the way, is there a recommended
version of libav for that purpose ?

@ Eugen: I built Opal 3.10.10 from sources, do I still
need to apply those Debian patches (on Raspbian/ARM) ?

Cheers, Samuel

Le 07/07/2015 17:15, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 07/07/15 16:38, Samuel VISCAPI wrote:

Dear all,

This is my first post to that mailing list :)

I'd like to use Ekiga to participate in a conference
hosted on Renavisio, the French education
visioconferencing platform:

I managed to join the conference room using the SIP 
protocol. I had to set DTMF mode to RFC 2833 in order
to type in the password though.

Audio is working correctly, but video is not. I can't
see my colleague (in CC) who's connected to the same
conference room, and he doesn't see me either. The
webcam is a Logitech C920, which appears to be
working just fine in the "echo test" room. As for my
colleague, he is using Scopia and the H.323

By the way, I'm running Ekiga 4.0.1 compiled from
sources on a Raspberry PI 2. I followed these

What am I doing wrong ?

P.S: Damien told me it could be a video codec issue.
So far, only theora and h261 are available in the 
"Preferences" menu. If need be, I could install 
libav/ffmpeg and libx264 then recompile Ekiga.
Hi Samuel,
I would relaly love to make Ekiga work with Renavisio.
I plan to test it myself, but I am pretty busy at the
I see at
that the H263 codecs are needed.  You need libav
(perhaps ffmpeg works too) for that. There is a patch
(or two) you need to use, see
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