Re: [Ekiga-list] New to SIP, VoIP and Ekiga

On Mon, 30 May 2016 10:32:00 +0200
Eugen Dedu <eugen dedu univ-fcomte fr> wrote:

On 30/05/16 04:22, Saul A. Peebsen wrote:
On Sun, 29 May 2016 08:28:02 +0200
Eugen Dedu <eugen dedu univ-fcomte fr> wrote:
Just execute in a terminal:
ekiga -d 4 2>xyz
and send me the xyz file.  
OK, I have Lubuntu installed in a virtual machine. I used it to get
the log. Still don't know why my Gentoo Ekiga is not producing any
output with -d 4.

I put it in my router, it can be downloaded here:  
I see that you receive many calls from, which is

2016/05/29 20:05:01.885       1:53:08.449     Opal
Liste...0xada7db40    SIP     PDU received: 

This seems to me effectively as ghost calls.  Unfortunately, you
cannot do anything right now.  The next release of Ekiga will have a
black list where you can block them.
OK, thanks for looking into this. Will wait. 

Cheers, Saul

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