Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga SIP client for my Asterisk box - dialing

On 21/09/16 21:54, mark wrote:
Hi, I connected Ekiga to my asterisk server located at IP

To dial a phone number 3105551212 with Ekiga, I must enter:sip:3105551212@

I would like to just enter:

Likewise, to dial a PBX extension 55, I have to dial: sip:55@
It would be nicer to just dial 55.

Is there a way to to do that?
Currently, not.  It has already been asked in the mailing list, it is a 
useful feature, I would like to work on it, but we are currently 
struggling to fix bugs to make a release, and only afterwards we will 
think at other features like this one.

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