Re: Brits too (was: Re: Norwegians and Swedes)

<quote who="Alex Hudson">

On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 23:47, Jeff Waugh wrote:
Existing groups in Norway and Sweden that would like to be involved:
There is also a UK mailing list I keep meaning to subscribe to that is
quite new, but supposed to be for event planning and suchlike:

Not sure how 'active' it is, but it hasn't been around long.
Cool, thanks! Looks like one of the list admins is Telsa - great!

(Really just posting this as an excuse to say hi to the list - I'm
nothing more than a happy Gnome user atm, but hope to help... :)
Welcome. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
     "First: This is not a race." - Jody Goldberg on the Free Software

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