Re: Goal based marketing..

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 21:54 -0800, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

In the meantime, I think it would be great if we could get a calendar of
events of conferences and what not that we could target.  Specifically,
what do people think about targeting Windows oriented conferences? 

Yes. Open source in general should be at every Windows oriented
conference. Granted the staunch Windows supporters/users will always
"scoff" at the Linux Desktop, maybe we can target folks whom are
developers, those that _like_ to contribute a little back to making the
desktop better (and can't on Windows because MS is closed source based)

Granted, we'll argue that we're better. And I think we are. But the
Windows user base by and large don't like to switch.

"Why do I have to right-click to unmount the USB thumb drive? Where's
the icon in Windows that just allows me to do it automatically at the
taskbar?" --user quote, and mind you this is after all the udev goodness
and Project Utopia working wonders. The USB disk was even detected by ID
(i.e it had its name displayed - Easydisk - which I think is better than

So Microsoft are usually at Linux-ish conferences (business ones, never
the technical ones), I don't see why Linux shouldn't be at maybe
technical ones and ones where business decisions are made... If there
was an end-user conference for Windows users however, I guess we're
wasting our time

Secondly, what about targeting student organizations?  In the U.S. there
are a lot of big universities that have student governments that we
could try to sell them on.  There are a number of other organizations
around campus.

Students in the U.S. get the great Microsoft discount, don't they? USD$5
for whatever version of Windows, Office and so on?

Gonna be a tough bet, especially since within GNOME itself, we lack say,
a snazzy P2P application, for instance :P

But do elaborate on the student government thought, I'm interested in

For those that don't know me, I'm Colin Charles, Fedora &
person, involved in their marketing projects... I also tend to
contribute to the GNOME release notes, and am a strong proponent of the
GNOME desktop / platform / bindings / gtk+ :P Now that time permits
finally, and I've read thru just about all 82 posts the recent surge in
marketing has brought on, I'm ready to contribute to GNOME marketing too
Colin Charles, byte aeon com my
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, 
then you win." -- Mohandas Gandhi

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