Re: Example media files

On Sat, 2004-11-27 at 17:39 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
<quote who="Ian McIntosh">

Please send comments on both the idea and the file.  If anyone here is
involved with a LiveCD project (Jeff?), I would like to hear whether they
think this sort of things could happen.

Dude, rock! Yes, I have been planning to do this for the Ubuntu and Gnoppix
LiveCDs. It's a *really* important feature for demonstrating Windows file
compatibility, and all the useful applications we include with GNOME.

I reckon the best way to collect files for the CD would be to create a wiki
page, write out a list of the kinds of files we want to demonstrate, ideas
for how we can make those documents GNOMEy [1], and then start attaching
files to choose from. :-)

For a video file I would suggest "Building on the Past" by Justing Cone,
the winner of the Creative Commons competition,

I think it has the right sort of sentiment,


- Jeff

[1] For instance, jimmac's GUADEC videos, source files of GNOME posters,
brochures, PDFs of GNOME documentation, PPT and SXI presentations, etc.

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