RE: Marketing list action: Market Research for GNOME and GNU/Linux

But I must admit that "goal" meant to me something
1.) advanced (or challenging),
2.) specific and measurable, and
3.) binding.
Me too.

For example, Mozillas "1 Million downloads in 10 days" was 
such a goal.'s "50% selection rate until 2010" is such a 
These are tactical-level goals and as such can only be sensibly defined
once a strategy has been defined.  What is needed is strategic thinking.
What I mean is answers to questions like:

(1)  Who are "we"
(2)  Why should we give a toss how many GNOME users there are?

And then

(3)  Is it better to have as many users as possible, or to focus on a
select few? (Why?)
(4)  If it's better to focus, on whom do we focus?  (Why?)

I see a basic split of possibilities:

1.  Focus on existing users in order to make GNOME better for them
2.  Focus on non-users in order to induce them to use GNOME

There is no reason why it is not possible to do both, but it would
require separate strategies.

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