Re: OpenCD & GNOME

On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 02:46:14 -0700
Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:

<quote who="Murray Cumming">

We could try to ensure that fun applications running on Windows,
such as Gimp and Inkscape, are identified as built with the GNOME
development platform.
Shouldn't be tough at all, there's a spiffy Windows launcher thingy
for running the installers that includes some explanatory text. Would
fit very nicely there.

I've not looked at the OpenCD yet, so the following may sound foolish.
However, promoting the GNOME development platform to end users seems
somewhat misguided.

Would the launcher thingy allow to include information about additional
GNOME apps that are related to a certain application or category, but
have not yet been ported to Windows?

An entry close to Thunderbird could read:

   "There are more (Free Software/Open Source) apps available if
you'd use GNU/Linux: Evolution is a great EMail application that
<list benefits here>"

Or close to Abiword:

  "Gnumeric is a Free Software spreatsheet application under GNU/Linux
that integrate nicely into a GNOME desktop, starts real fast, and has
excellent support for scientific and business calculations."

If the applications names could be made internet links, clicking on it
could start Firefox and show their homepages to let users find out more.

Just my 2cts.


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