Re: [gnome-love] writer/interviewer wanted- article suggestion for next gnome-journal

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 19:54:10 -0400
Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:

On 8/25/05, Akbar Pasha <akbarpasha gmail com> wrote:
Hi Luis,

This sounds like a very good plan. But I have couple of questions

1. I see about 12 bounties from GNOME as a part of SoC. Does that
mean, each volunteer (the person who would be crafting the article)
would get to cover one bounty each?
My thinking was that one person do them all, so that they are
consistent in tone, content, etc. Note that when I said 'interview' I
meant 'send an email with 3-4 questions'- given that there are so
many, the writeups must be brief so as not to be boring or repetitive.
But I imagine that if they were split 2-3 ways a little bit of editing
could still bring consistency.

Also, probably worth noting that I believe some of the projects are
not going to be finished- so if Seth or JRB can identify which those
are, perhaps the number will be less than 12.

GJ articles are restricted to 1750, max. 2000 words. With so
many SoC projects, we could do either part 1 & part 2 if a second writer
volunteers, or we just pick a part of them that examplify the
interesting points for GNOME users and developers. Both would be cool.


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