Re: Commercial support

[Accidentally went off list.]

On 7/18/05, Claus Schwarm <c schwarm gmx net> wrote:
On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 21:43:36 -0400
Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:

On 7/14/05, Claus Schwarm <c schwarm gmx net> wrote:
 * End users, especially in the public sector or companies, may like
find out if there's such support before they decide for a concrete
desktop solution.
If this is a group you intend to target, I'd include 'distributors' as
a category, since that is where our heaviest hitters (those most
likely to impress 'end users' like Sun and Novell) are clustered.

I'd like others to use the page as "yellow pages". If there are business
people thinking about deploying GNOME, they should find appropriate
information whom to contact for commercial services.

Non-business people watching the page will just get the impression that
others are willing to rely their business on GNOME. This establishes

So, it's more ecosystem stuff, no special target.

For distributions, I thought "Installation and Deployments" can cover
Ah. i was thinking that was more for consultants (folks like than for distros. Lets see how long
each list gets, I guess :)

 * By promoting commercial support companies around GNOME, we may
improve our contacts with them. That might be nice for a GNOME jobs
page at a later stage.
There is or has been such a page in the past, FWIW. We're also working
on this at the board level, so don't be surprised to see something
spring up on in the future. Note that for that we
should avoid any impression that these companies are (1) endorsed by
GNOME or (2) that they support us (unless they are in fact board

I think I saw the mail about the jobs page in the archive. You are
talking about a jobs page, are you? ;)
Well, sort of; if it is just a 'these are people who support gnome',
then it is less valuable, it seems to me.

The non-endorsement/non-support requirement will be adressed (somehow);
probably an appropriate sentence at the beginning.
<nod> figured, just wanted to have it down on the record.

Comments welcome, especially any concerns that GNOME shouldn't do
Seems like generally a good idea. I think we used to have one, though
I can't find it. Interestingly, googling brought up this:
which might be worth reviewing and bringing onto that page.

This is just the kind of information I needed. Thanks!

But if you needed to google for it, 'normal' users probably never
will find such resources. This is why we need such a page integrated on
somewhere on
Oh, I definitely agree it needs to be on, we need to link to
it from various places, etc. I was just throwing that up as a
resource, not to say 'oh, it has been done elsewhere, don't bother.'

In fact, not even the companies around the Nokia annoucement are listed
there, and also not the company I was talking to. (Once more a lecture
that we need to improve potential network effects.)

And althought GNOME don't endorse them officially, such a 'service' from
us may bring them into the foundation as a member. Heck, some of them
even seem to run a bounty there! :/
Yeah, interesting.

In fact, I'd like to move this page to the regular GNOME pages
Before doing that we'd need to figure out how to update it regularly,
and have someone who 'owns' that update.

I already thought it might take time to figure this out. I'm all open
for suggestions. :)
Yeah. Don't have any ATM; the current web infrastructure really blows. :/


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