Re: 10x10 Shirts?

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 23:18:58 -0700
Travis Reitter <treitter-dev netdrain com> wrote:

Has anyone considered producing 10x10 shirts?

Has anyone looked into SpreadFireFox's techniques?

I'm sure a lot of us did. However, GNOME's not Firefox: It's not as easy
to download and install as Firefox.

Much more simple than T-Shirts, for example, are simeple buttons
for other's to use in web pages, forums, etc. Before we can start any
campain, we need a roughly useful web page.

If you would like to help doing so, please start a new page in the
marketing wiki called awards, and start googleing for them. Don't forget
to include also those of 'close' GNOME projects like Evolution.


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