Re: Where to call for contributors

On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 13:07:13 +0200
Quim Gil <qgil interactors coop> wrote:

A practical example:

Since GettingInvolved is a good opportunity for new contributors like
myself, I'm thinking of writing a couple of lines describing the
project and asking for help. And then publish it... where?

Amazingly enough, with all these gnome sites is not clear if I can
post something like this in one of them and.. which? looks like death

The GNOME Journal is not dead; we just found out during our current
issue that we need to reorganize a little bit. When these issues are
fixed, we will hopefully be able to publish every two months.

However, annoucements like the one you intent to do (or a call for help)
is best published by footnotes (, of course.


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