Re: Where to call for contributors

Quim Gil wrote:

- illustration cool (maybe the shout is too loud what in this age of
self-contention shouting out loud may be even therapeutic)
Thanks for the feedback from you, Jeff and Dave!
I tried to make the girl wisper at first, but I felt the image lacked edge so I made her shout. At first I was going to make it as a photograph, but I didn't get any satifying results, so I made an illustration instead.
- colors... to me GNOME is about living and natural colors. Actually the
GNOME 1.4 splash with that street and old houses was one of the reasons
that made feel quickly confident with GNOME. OK, beats and flies and
cows can be naturally grey and black but... What about trying some more
optimistic colors?
Do you have a screenshot of that splash somewhere? I tried to google for it, but didn't find anything. I tried to make some patterns of leafs or something in it, but I got noisy. Maybe I'll do another try.
- Bitstream Vera Sans was actually another reason that made fall in fall
with GNOME, just in case you care. :)  Serif fonts tend to seem too
serious and formal and the mixture of upper-lower case... still don't
whether I like it or no (maybe yes with a sans serif).
Well, it was more or less an experiment from my side, trying to make something playfull and serious at the same time. I'll try out the mixed letter stuff with sans instead, because, as several people has pointed out, sans feels lighter and more in hand with the less is more principle.
But anyway, the whole thing is attractive and, don't worry, even if it
lasts just some days in the homepage it has a well deserved
heading position in the Marketing Team space!

- Andreas

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