Re: OSCON GNOME booth..

Actually, I may be there also... We are discussing it at work now.  


Quoting Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>:

Replying to myself:

Some people asked the location and date of OSCON 05.

August 1 - 5, Portland, OR USA

Miguel and Jeff Waugh will be there and some other folks.


On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 09:33:18AM -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
So OSCON is offering me a free both for GNOME Foundation and since my
as approved me attending I am going to try for it.  But I don't know if I
will be able to get volunteers. :/

I'll ask the usual suspect and see if I can get some help.  Maybe tht guy
Aseigo can help he's only 3 hours away. :-)

I'd like to try to figure out how we could run automated GNOME tours that
we were talking about earlier.  Things like dashboard, Xgl and other cool
things that I can get people to come over to the booth to look at.  The
goal is to set up a net, so they can come by and think "wow, thats kind


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