Re: New supporter

Hi Oriol,

      I'm in love with Gnome and I want to contribute to it because I want
to pay back all the satisfaction, success and support I have always received
from the Linux community, and as well, because I think I can be of some
help, even though small, in Genome's success.
I see you are Catalan, as myself.  Then this breaking news will make you
very happy: the GUADEC'06 is going to be in Barcelona.  :)

You might be interested getting involved in the organization of the
event (don't worry, there will be several levels of implication) and you
might be interested contributing to create a consolidated GNOME user
group at a Catalan level.

There is already a GNOME Catalan translation team. You might be
interesting collaborating there. By now they have been focusing on
translations, but it is not a local group as such, with face to face
meetings, activities, etc. As discussed in this list, GNOME local groups
that actually meet regularly etc are key in terms of increasing the
awareness on GNOME, find new users and developers, etc.

      To whom shall I contact for finding out which of the current open
issues could I help?
If you specify your fields of interest and your skills, I'm sure hat
there will be other aspects in which you can participate.

For instance, you may be interested helping the Marketing team improving
our pages in the wiki:

Asking to the marketing-list is a good start.  :)


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