Re: [Fwd: GUADEC7 press release draft]

David Neary wrote:


Claus Schwarm wrote:

I don't think this is a very professional solution. If June changes for
reasons we can't influence, we'd need to correct it in another press
release. Otherwise we'd risk much confusion. No need to say how
unfortunate this would be.

I disagree. We should announce this as soon as possible. The news is already out there.
As I said in another mail (which appears to have been way-laid) the 
dates are incidental to the news. The news is GUADEC going to 
Barcelona. The rest is detail that can be refined later.
Indeed, it will help more people to plan in advance that they have to 
attend GUADEC '06 in Barcelona (sometime next June).
If the board or the orga team really like to get this out, we should
mention no date, and write something like "Time and date will be
announced later."

I don't understand your caution. There is no harm in announcing "early June", which is a confirmed period.
+1 for Luis's reccommendation to release ASAP.
+1 from me as well.


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