Re: Surveys at conferences..

On 5/20/05, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com> wrote:
On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 06:49:04PM -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
On 5/8/05, Sri Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com> wrote:
It might give us a better random
sample I think than a web one.
Heh. Despite my last comment in the thread, this, at least, is true-
it would suck a lot less than other groups. :) It wouldn't be hard to
throw this on the web, and have the demo boxes have the survey
bookmarked so that people could fill it out there. (This would assume
it would be short, since otherwise you're breaking up the flow of the
demos and such.)


P.S. Sri, did we ever find out about the booth situation at OSCON?
Well, I'm not sure if we still have time for the booth.  I can ask.

I can take care of the paper work for OSCON booth, but someone needs
to volunteer to run it, since I'm not sure I will be able to.  If I can
then I will...
Please go ahead and ask- worst case we have to back out and they have
an empty booth.
So let me get back to you guys on Monday about OSCON booth..

One thing I'd like to see that seems to be missing is a tutorial
for GNOME/GTK+ Python bindings.  This conference is huge for Ruby
and Python and having someone talk about how to use python to work
with the desktop would be killer.
Yeah, but it is too late for that, right?


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