Re: release screenshots from FOG or gnomesupport? (yet another brainstorm)


I'm sorry: I wasn't able to express this properly.

I absolutly agree with the goal! I'm just not sure if the screenshot
thingie is the proper way.

For example, a 'Show your screenshot' thread on started
months ago, I believe (it's down right now). Even if not, at least has it:

3255 replies with now 161193 views! If you're looking for desktop
artwork, there's

with 3612 screenshots. I'm a little bit concerned that potential
'evanglist users' won't be attracted by the screenhot promotion. Come
on, a little bit of FTP space? And getting mentioned on a hardly visited
site? Uhm, pardon, we don't even mentioned the names of the guys on
to the 2.8 site!

When it comes to attracting potential evangelist users, the screenshot
action is rather the equivalent of a 'hack'.

And it's not that we lack potential areas to do something useful.

I'm sorry if that's all old news to you but maybe it's not. However,
sometimes it's hard to say how strongly views are affected by a
difference in media consumption.


On Sun, 22 May 2005 17:08:31 -0400
Luis Villa <luis villa gmail com> wrote:

We can certainly position/explain/whatever them better, but I think a
key part of what we need to be doing is reaching out to the people who
are already somewhat involved and turning them into the 'evangelist
users' we were discussing earlier; reaching out like this and making
people feel involved and like they are having fun is a key way to do


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