Re: Mass Deployment of GNOME in schools in Macedonia


This one reads nicely.

A very important question that I would like to know in the story would
be, how big is the public school system in Macedonia. You have said that
they have installed this on 5,000 PCs. Is that all for a country with 2
million people? Assume that 15% of the population is in secondary and
high school. That's 300,000 kids and 5,000 PCs or about 1.5 PCs per 100
kids. It would be nice to know the number of PCs in schools and whether
Ubuntu/GNOME would be eventually implemented on all of them. 

See additional suggestions and questions below.

I've added a few more sentences about Macedonia and accepted most of 
your suggestions (they are now colored black) but I really couldn't 
compare China's GDP per capita to Macedonia's GDP because China's is 
$5600 and Macedonia's $7100 (last info from CIA's world fact book). :)
The intro is much better. As far as the per capita information
information from CIA fact book is concerned, it's not accurate. In the
sense that CIA gives per capita income based on  purchasing power parity
and not US $. Although PPP is probably the right measure to understand
the quality of life aspects and all that, I think GDP in US$ would be a
better number for this story. According to Atlas method, it's GNI was
$2,350 in 2004 and on PPP $6480. See the world bank report here:

I can't think of a developing country (already not developed) to compare 
Macedonia to...
Not a problem. Not that important.

Questions you need to answer: Why Warty and why open source. Feel free
to post again and I can look at it over the weekend.
Could the reader know when the project was started, how long did it take
to implement and also was it easy? It would be great if we had a quote
saying that the implementation was easy or that the students and
teachers find it easier or as easy as a Mac. 

Thank you for all the suggestions I really appreciate it.

Welcome. Couple of more things. You have forgot to delete some of my
questions in paragraph 5, 6 and your third question on page two.



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