Re: GNOME liveCD 2.12 help needed

Hi Marcus,

Yesterday at 23:30, Marcus Bauer wrote:

The liveCD is up for testing, please give it a ride/thorough test and
post your feedback to the list :-)

Download it here:
This will take a day or two for me over ISDN ;-)

And a quick translation is needed - ASCII only. If that makes no sense
in some languages we should leave it in english.

To start the live CD just press ENTER.

In case that the boot process is not successful you can get
further advice by pressing [F1]

Да покренете ЦД уживо, просто притисните ENTER.
У случају да поступак покретања не прође успешно, можете добити
додатне савете притиском на [F1]

en, fr and de are already there. We urgently need es, br and it. All
other languages welcome - but no promise that we get liveCDs in every
language this time.
How about Serbian, eh? ;-)


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