[Fwd: Re: Gnome at Southern California Linux Expo 4]

Hi all,

SCALE 4x is a Linux end-user targetted conference by the South California LUG. It'd be great to have some kind of presence there, either a stand or a speaker.
I don't know anyone in the area, though, and I guess that you'd have to 
talk to the organisers (once a proposal is made) yourself for expenses 
and the like.
Can GNOME people in Southern California please make themselves known to 
me, so that we can see whether doing a stand is realistic? And if anyone 
in interested in doing a talk, consider yourselves notified :)

Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France
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Hi Dave,
This is Shyam Kapadia, the speaker chair of the upcoming Southern California
Linux Expo (SCALE 4x) scheduled for February
11-12, 2006 at the Westin Hotel near the Los Angeles International
Airport. One of the SCALE chairs, Gareth, mentioned
that you are interesed in speaking opportunities and this is just a follow-up for the same.

We intend to have 3 speaker tracks:
1. Linux kernel and file system track
2. Userspace and applications track
3. Social implications of open source and how linux fits into corporate
strategy of various companies.

Our past speakers include:
1. John "Maddog" Hall - Linux International
2. Larry McVoy - BitMover
3. Randy Dunlap - Linux USB Subsystem, Carrier Grade Linux
4. Kevin Foreman - Helix Project, RealNetworks
5. Andrew Morton - Longtime linux kernel hacker and the heralded
 maintainer of 2.6 kernel.
6. William Lee Irwin - Another linux kernel hacker who mainly
 contributes to the linux MM subsystem.
7. Dan Frye - Head, IBM linux technology center.
8. Chris Dibona
and many more.
This year, the conference attendance is expected to be ~1300. 
It would be great if your speaking proposal(s) would include the following:
  1. Name, Affiliation, Bio, a passport size picture (optional) and contact email address of the Presenter.
  2. A brief abstract indicating what will be covered in your talk.
  3. Any specific requirements needed for the presentation other than an overhead projector and a microphone.

Presentations are alloted a time slot of about 45 minutes. The full CFP for SCALE 2006 can be obtained at http://www.socallinuxexpo.com/. We look forward to hearing from you.

Shyam Kapadia
Speakers Chair
SCALE 4X, 2006

On 9/8/05, Gareth J. Greenaway <gareth socallinuxexpo com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Neary < dneary free fr>
To: "Gareth J. Greenaway" <gareth socallinuxexpo com>
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 17:44:59 +0200
Subject: Re: Gnome at Southern California Linux Expo 4


Gareth J. Greenaway a écrit :
> SCALE 4x Our focus is primarily end user education. To that end, we'd
> love to have GNOME at SCALE.

We'd love to be there. I'll pass this on to some community lists, and
see who we have in the area (looking at
http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/random/GnomeWorldWideHuge.jpg, California's
under-represented, but we'll figure something out).

If we don't have the man-power, then a booth might be a little
difficult. I would love to see some GNOME speakers, though. SoCal
doesn't have any GNOME users hiding away, does it?

> We also invite any of your users or developers to submit a CFP (call for
> papers) for a session on one of the SCALE training tracks. The session
> tracks are an opportunity to expose GNOME in greater detail than
> possible with a booth demo.

What are the conditions on the CFP? How many talks are you going to
have? What is the target audience? Will you be covering travel expenses
for people presenting papers?

> Thank you for your time.
> Gareth J. Greenaway
> SCALE Community Chair

Thanks for the information. It's always good to hear about new conferences.


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

Shyam Kapadia
University of Southern California
PHD Student, Computer Science,
--- End Message ---

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