Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals]

<quote who="Joachim Noreiko">

How is back on the agenda at all?
Well, we could just delete all the current projects pages ;) Some of them
are unmaintained and some duplicate things we want to say elsewhere. But
the various app teams might object.
This has already been discussed.

Is support.g.o meant to be the subdomain 'version' of
Why make it a subdomain at all?
Because, speaking as an average surfer, when I see, with
its different url and its sort of the same navbar but not quite, I don't
know whether it's offically a gnome site or not. Not that it should matter
-- support is support -- but I then wonder 'If this isn't part of GNOME,
is there another, REAL support site?'
You don't need to have the same second level domain to share themes.

The general idea is, I believe, that if it's something we run at gnome,
then it's a part of
That doesn't have to imply Yet Another Subdomain.

What on earth is Why wouldn't wgo be representative
of the community in some way? Why does it need Yet Another Subdomain?
Community is a gateway to Foundation, Planet, Guadec, and others. See
Why does this need to be a subdomain? There is nothing here that suggests
any requirement for it.

If it seems like we're shoehorning stuff into categories, yes, perhaps we
are. But we have a lot of sites and bits spread all over and linked up
like spaghetti.
Adding more sites doesn't help solve this problem.

The general idea is that navigation items in the general bar common to all
gnome sites go to subdomains,  leaving wgo's own primary bar.
This is a *really bad* and totally unnecessary general idea. I very strongly
recommend against it. It would be terrible if the outcome of this effort was
the creation of new mess, rather than integration of existing mess into
something greater than the sum of its parts.


- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
   "People keep asking me why we aren't married, and he says, 'Every time
   I am about to ask you, you do something annoying'." - Kate Beckinsale

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