(was Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals])

On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 09:34 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

What on earth is 
As for today it is a launcher from the general nav bar to the "GNOME is
People" subsites: 

      * Planet GNOME 
      * GUADEC and other event subsites if appropriate i.e. Foro Brazil 
      * The GNOME Foundation 
      * ... and all the official regional sites.

I believe there is potential content to justify such subdomain, although
I haven't got the time to extract yet the related use cases. However, it
is clear that we are going late and short of resources on this 2.18
release, so maybe we could do something a bit more straightforward by

- Take out Community from the General nav bar and add Planet and
- Link GUADEC and other event subsites from ("News" in
the General nav bar)
- Create a page in wgo under About or Get Involved listing the regional

The General nav bar would be then:

(GNOME logo) | News | Planet | Projects | Art | Support | Development |

Why does this need to be a subdomain? There is nothing here that
suggests any requirement for it.
Well, you need a way to connect Planet, Foundation and GUADEC from the
General Nav bar. The "Community" gateway is an intent to solve the
equation. I agree it's not an optimal intent, this is why I'm suggesting
another idea. 

Other suggestions?

Quim Gil /// |

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