Re: 2.16 splash

So, Quim, can we put 07f up on gnome.or should we wait for 2.16.1 release?

On 9/8/06, Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 14:54 +0300, Panos Laganakos wrote:
> > Hi Quim,
> > point taken, I should have been on the marketing list. Having a bugfix
> > release of the splash without the stretched type would stop my eyes
> > bleed and would be greatly appreciated.
> I think you're exaggerating a bit on the "eyes bleeding" thingy, but
> if that's how you feel like.
> I made a small update on the current one, without going to far as
> changing many things.
> . Made the logo smaller
> . A bit darker background
> . Fixed the dropping shadows to have the same angle
> . and unstreched the font

Hi Panos,
this is much better, thanks! Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh but
stretching fonts falls into the same category as using <blink> in


Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com>

Panos Laganakos

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